46. Kellogg Warbles—Bird Concerts 2017-06-14T12:00:25+00:00

46. Science and Nature

Charles Kellogg Warbles in Bird Concerts

In this March, 1905 ad in The Lyceumite, Charles Kellogg promotes his extraordinarily popular show combining bird whistling and lantern slides. Bird whistlers were admired for their remarkable ability to imitate a wide range of bird songs.

Kellogg began his career in 1888, and by 1906 had performed 2,200 times. He claimed a ten-octave range, and said he “sang” rather than “whistled,” using a second larynx like a bird’s.  Adding slides to his performance of songs created another dimension of realism.   Special care was taken to be sure that the coloring on bird slides, like the one shown, was correct.

Kellogg’s phonographic record of bird song was number one on the pop charts for 4 weeks in 1916. Hear his remarkable voice here.  And don’t miss The Hunting Wolves, a story with sound effects told by fellow illustrated lecturer, Ernest Thompson Seton.

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